Issue 55 | The Property Development Review


our CBD in the lead up to the 2032 Brisbane Olympics. Looking forward, we eagerly await the outcome of the Olympic Statutory Authority review to ascertain what infrastructure will be delivered for the games. With both the cost of capital and destination of capital incredibly competitive throughout Australia, what do you see as the advantages that your state offers, and how is this being translated from a global real estate capital perspective? Queensland has the distinct advantage of relatively competitive residential dwelling prices, strong migration patterns, major private and public infrastructure projects pipeline and on the horizon is the Brisbane 2032 Olympics which will globalise our city. From an innovation standpoint, what are some of the new initiatives your agency is pursuing, and how are these being received by clients? As part of our innovation strategy, we are constantly exploring ways to further engage with the market and enhance our Client offering. With the implementation of leading tech platforms such as InSpace and Book A Corner, both offering virtual property experiences for office rises and retail shopping centres (respectively), our Clients are expected to receive an enhanced introduction experience across our sectors. Another platform we are partnering with is SA1 Property, which is an Industrial database and analytics tool that will empower our Agents with greater market insights, ultimately providing our clients with more precise data. In closing, how are you positioning your business to capitalize on new growth opportunities over the course of the medium to long term? As a business we are continually assessing market opportunities, particularly those which we are underweight in or have serious potential upside. Whether we grow organically or through M & A’s our strategy involves evaluating the scale of opportunities, reviewing our existing platform, and creating a plan that allows us to penetrate these markets with impact and long-term success.

August / September 2024 – 95

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