Issue 55 | The Property Development Review


engagement and prices. We have also invested very heavily in our tech stack meaning that we are converting more leads and generating leads at a far cheaper rate than many others. The world has changed and so has the way we consume media, buy products or go on the journey of a project, and this should be at the forefront of everything that we do. From a commercial agencies perspective, the process has traditionally been clunky and not particularly streamlined. To address this, we’ve invested heavily in a workflow platform that ensures no steps are missed in the sales process and that communication with clients remains strong and effective. This systemised approach also allows us to scale efficiently, as new employees can easily understand our processes and seamlessly integrate into our operations. We are also working very heavily to introduce AI into our business as that is the world that we are in. While the opportunities are vast, our priority is to leverage AI in a way that simplifies operations rather than complicates them. One of the key advantages of being independent is our ability to quickly adapt to new technologies. This agility allows us to embrace innovations much faster than some of our competitors, who may take years to implement similar advancements. In closing, how are you positioning your business to capitalise on new growth opportunities over the course of the medium to long term. Our business is well-positioned for significant growth, thanks to a robust market and a strong foundation built on a solid culture. Our property management division continues to expand rapidly, driven by the high-quality, professional service we offer to private high-net-worth individuals—a level of service that is unmatched in the market. In project marketing, we’re gaining strong traction, and we expect exponential growth as development in the western regions becomes increasingly viable. On the commercial side, we’re focusing on specialty and higher-value markets, including industrial, investment sales, and development opportunities. Our vision is clear: to become the leading commercial agency in Western Sydney. To achieve this, we are committed to attracting the best talent in the industry, ensuring we continue to deliver exceptional service to our clients.

Sydney’s second CBD. It has positioned Parramatta as a strong contender for multinational tenants seeking a new base in Sydney. Badgerys Creek Airport continues to be a significant driver of investment in the region, spurring major road upgrades and the development of a Metro line that will connect the airport to St Marys’ rail network. The West of Sydney is now more connected than ever, thanks to the WestConnex and M8 tunnel projects. These initiatives have greatly improved access across the city—East, West, and South—reducing travel times and congestion, making it easier to move products and employees around the region. The Westmead Health Precinct is another transformative project, emerging as one of Australia’s largest health, education, research, and training hubs. With $3.4 billion committed to expansion and upgrades, the precinct is set to deliver around 400,000sqm of high-end health-related developments. The next major piece of infrastructure is the City West Metro, which will connect Parramatta to Sydney CBD via Sydney Olympic Park, with an expected travel time of just 20 minutes. This will make commuting to the West more efficient for C-Suite executives. This project is due for completion in 2032. With both the cost of capital & destination of capital incredibly competitive throughout Australia, what do you see are the advantages that your State offers and how is this being translated from a global real estate capital perspective. NSW has some of the greatest fundamentals of any market in the world. These include strong immigration, stable government, low unemployment, undersupply of housing and consistent capital growth year on year. Sydney, in particular, is one of the most desirable cities in the world to live in, which continues to drive strong immigration numbers. Last year, Australia was the largest beneficiary of net migration by millionaires worldwide, underscoring both the global instability and the appeal of Australia—especially Sydney—as a safe and attractive destination for capital. From an innovation standpoint, what are some of the new initiatives your agency is pursuing & how are these being received by clients. Our residential project marketing is at the forefront of technology led by Mark Bernberg, who comes from a tech background. We have a new proprietary software which will revolutionise project launches to ensure maximum

August / September 2024 – 29

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